

Bayne, S. and Ross, J. (2024). Speculative Futures for Higher Education. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 21:39. Special Issue: Higher Education Futures at the intersection of justice, hope, and educational technology.

Veletsianos, G, Houlden, S., Ross, J., Alhadad, S., and Dickson-Deane, C.. 2024. Editorial: Higher Education Futures at the Intersection of Justice, Hope, and Educational TechnologyInternational Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 21:43.

Wilson, A. and Ross, J. (2024). ‘Your U-Well-Being Journal is due today’: on some possible intersections between surveillance and student wellbeing in the future university. Studies in Higher Education, online first.

Noteboom, J. and Ross, J. (2024). Speculation: Challenging the Invisibility and Inevitability of Data in Education. in Buch, A., Lindberg, Y. and Ceratto Pargman, T. (eds), Framing Futures in Postdigital Education: Critical Concepts for Data-driven Practices. Postdigital Science and Education series, Springer.

Carbonel, H., Belardi, A., Ross, J. and Jullien, J-M. (in press). Integrity and motivation in remote assessment. Online Learning.

Osborne, N. et al. (2024) ‘Digital and data literacy: Models for data training and upskilling for the future creative industries’, in M. Terras et al. (eds) Data-Driven Innovation in the Creative Industries. Routledge.


Ross, J. and Wilson, A. (2023). Reconfiguring surveillance futures for higher education using speculative data stories. In Bonderup Dohn, N., Jaldemark, J., Öberg, L-M., Mozelius, P., Håkonsson Lindqvist, M., Ryberg, T. & de Laat, M. (eds.). Sustainable Networked Learning: Individual, Sociological and Design Perspectives.  Springer.

Wilson, A. and Ross, J. (2023). Surveillance imaginaries: learning from participatory speculative fictionSurveillance and Society, 21/3.

Ross, J. (2023). Postdigital Speculation. In: Jandrić, P. (ed) Encyclopedia of Postdigital Science and Education. Springer, Cham.

Ross, J & O’Brien, D (2023). Podcast: New Books in Critical Theory – Jen Ross, Digital Futures for Learning. New Books Network.

Ross, J., Houlden, S., & Veletsianos, G. (2023). Speculative Learning Futures podcast: Episode 1 with Dr. Jen Ross. Digital Public Interest (DPI) Collective podcast.

Ross, J & Alsayegh, N. (2023). Technocentrism. In Edtechnica, The Open Encyclopedia of Educational Technology.

Fawns, T., Ross, J., Carbonel, H., Noteboom, J., Finnegan-Dehn, S. & Raver, M. (2023). Mapping and Tracing the Postdigital: Approaches and Parameters of Postdigital Research. Postdigital Science and Education.

Knox, J. and Ross, J. (2023). Afterword. In Data Cultures in Higher Education: Emergent Practices and the Challenge Ahead. Eds: J. Raffaghelli & A. Sangrà. Springer.


Ross, J (2023). Digital Futures for Learning: Speculative Methods and Pedagogies. New York: Routledge.

Bayne, S., Ross, J. and Gallagher, M. (2022). Speculative Futures for Higher Education online resource. Centre for Research in Digital Education, University of Edinburgh.

Chowdhury, G, Gibson, R, Chowdhury, S, Ross, J, St Clair Inglis, C, Cawston, R and Ganley, C. (2022). Final report – Digital footprints and search pathways: working with National Collections in Scotland during Covid-19 lockdown to design future online provision. AHRC, Towards a National Collection Covid-19 projects. 

Wilson, A., Ross, J., McKie, J., Collier, A., Lockley, P. (2022). Telling Data Stories: developing an online tool for participatory speculative fiction. in: SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. SAGE.

Beetham, H; Collier, A, Czerniewicz, L; Lamb, B ; Lin, Y; Ross, J ; Scott, A-M; Wilson, A (2022). Surveillance practices, risks and responses in the post pandemic university. Digital Culture & Education, 14/1.


Lamb, J. and Ross, J. (2021). Lecture capture, social topology, and the spatial and temporal arrangements of UK universities. European Educational Research Journal. Part of a forthcoming special issue: Space- and time-making in education: Towards a topological lens (eds Decuypere, Hartong & van de Oudeweetering).

Bodden, S. and Ross, J. (2021) Speculating with glitches: Keeping the future moving. Special issue, Staying with Speculation. Global Discourse, 11/1, pp15-34. 



Bayne, S., Evans, P.,  Ewins, R., Knox, J., Lamb, J., Macleod, H., O’Shea, C., Ross, J., Sheail, P. and Sinclair, C. (2020) The Manifesto for Teaching Online. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Collier, A. and Ross, J. (2020). Higher education after surveillance? Commentary, Postdigital Science and Education. Online First.

Ross, J., Scott Curwood, J. and Bell, A. (2020). A Multimodal Assessment Framework for Higher Education. E-learning and Digital Media. Online First.


Ross, J., Bayne, S. and Lamb, J. (2019). Critical approaches to valuing digital education: learning with and from the Manifesto for Teaching Online. Digital Culture and Education, 11/1.

Ross, J. (2019). Casting a line: digital co-production, hospitality and mobilities in cultural heritage settingsCurator: The Museum Journal, 61/4. 575-592


Ross, J., Knox, J., Sowton, C.& Speed, C. (2018) Mobilising connections with art: Artcasting and the digital articulation of visitor engagement with cultural heritageInternational Journal of Heritage Studies.

Ross, J., Beamer, A. and Ganley, C. (2018). Digital Collections, Open Data And The Boundaries Of Openness: A Case Study From The National Galleries Of Scotland. Proceedings of the Museums and the Web conference, 2018, Vancouver.

Ross, J. and Macleod, H. (2018). Surveillance, (dis)trust and teaching with plagiarism detection technology. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networked Learning 2018, Edited by: Bajić, M, Dohn, NB, de Laat, M, Jandrić, P & Ryberg, T. ISBN 978-1-86220-337-2.

Ross, J (2018). Speculative Method as an Approach to Researching Emerging Educational Issues and Technologies. In L Hamilton and J Ravenscroft (eds) Building Research Design in Education. London: Bloomsbury.

Bell, A., Curwood, J.S., & Ross, J. (2018). Assessment in a digital age: Rethinking multimodal artefacts in higher education. In J. Kay and R. Luckin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences – Volume 3(pp. 1713-1714). London, UK: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

2017 and earlier:

Ross, J (2017). Speculative method in digital education research. Learning, Media and Technology. 42/2.

Ross, J., Sowton, C., Knox, J. and Speed, C. (2017). Artcasting, mobilities, and inventiveness: engaging with new approaches to arts evaluation. Cultural Heritage Communities: Technologies and Challenges(eds L Ciolfi, A Damala, E Hornecker, M Lechner, L Maye). Routledge.

Ross, J. (2017). If it’s creative, it doesn’t feel like evaluation: implications for practice from the Artcasting project. The Museum Review, 2/1.

Ross, J., & Sheail, P. (2017). The ‘campus imaginary’: online students’ experience of the masters dissertation at a distance. Teaching in Higher Education22, 1–16.

Collier, A. and Ross, J. (2017). For whom, and for what? Not- yetness and thinking beyond open content. Open Praxis, 9/1

Knox, J. and Ross, J., (2016). “where does this work belong?” new digital approaches to evaluating engagement with art. Proceedings of the Museums and the Web conference, 2016, Los Angeles.

Ross, J. and Collier, A. (2016). Complexity, mess and not-yetness: teaching online with emerging technologies. In G. Veletsianos (ed), Emergence and Innovation in Digital Learning: Foundations and Applications. Athabasca University Press.

Ross, J. and Bayne, S. (2016) Manifesto Redux: making a teaching philosophy from networked learning research. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Networked Learning 2016, Edited by: Cranmer S, Dohn NB, de Laat M, Ryberg T & Sime JA.

Sheail, P. and Ross, J. (2016). ‘Hospitality at a distance’: supervisory practices and student experiences of supervision in online Masters dissertations. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Networked Learning 2016, Edited by: Cranmer S, Dohn NB, de Laat M, Ryberg T & Sime JA.

Ross, J. and Bayne, S. (editors, 2015) Spotlight Issue: Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh. TechTrends. 59/1.

Bayne, S., Knox, J. and Ross, J. (2015). Open education: the need for a critical approach. Introduction to special issue – critical approaches to open education. Learning, Media and Technology, 40/3.

Bayne, S. and Ross, J. (2015). MOOC Pedagogy. In Massive Open Online Courses: The MOOC Revolution(P. Kim, ed). Routledge.

Fawns, T., Bayne, S., Ross, J. et al., 2015. Socially reconstructing history: the Social History Timestream application. Continuum, online first, pp.1–12.

Ross, J. (2014). Engaging with “webness” in online reflective writing practices. Computers and Composition, 34, 96-109.

Ross, J. (2014). Performing the reflective self: audience awareness in high-stakes reflection.Studies in Higher Education, 39/2.

Ross, J., Sinclair, C., Knox, J., Bayne, S. and Macleod, H. (2014). Teacher Experiences and Academic Identity: The Missing Components of MOOC Pedagogy. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 10/1.

Bayne, S. and Ross, J. (2014) The Pedagogy of the MOOC: the UK View. York: Higher Education Academy.

Ross, J., Gallagher, M. and Macleod, H. (2013). Making distance visible: assembling nearness in an online distance learning programme. International Review of Research in Online and Distance Learning, 14/4.

Bayne, S. and Ross, J. (2013) Posthuman literacy in heterotopic space: a pedagogical proposal. In R Goodfellow and M Lea (eds) Literacy in the Digital University. Taylor and Francis.

Ross, J. (2012). The spectacle and the placeholder: digital futures for reflective practices in higher education. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Networked Learning 2012, eds Hodgson V, Jones C, de Laat M, McConnell D, Ryberg T & Sloep P.

Ross, J. (2012). Just what is being reflected in online reflection?: new literacies for new media learning practices. in L Dirckinck-Holmfeld, V Hodgson, D McConnell (eds), Exploring the Theory, Pedagogy and Practice of Networked Learning. New York: Springer, pp.191-207.

Ross, J. (2011). Traces of self: online reflective practices and performances in higher educationTeaching in Higher Education, 16/1.

Bayne, S., & Ross, J. (2011). ‘Digital Native’ and ‘Digital Immigrant’ Discourses: A Critique. In R. Land & S. Bayne (Eds.), Digital difference:  perspectives on online learning. Rotterdam: Sense. pp. 159-170.

Macleod, H., & Ross, J. (2011). Structure, Authority and Other Noncepts: Teaching in Fool-ish Spaces. In R. Land & S. Bayne (Eds.), Digital Difference: Perspectives on Online Learning. Rotterdam: Sense. pp. 15-28.

Ross, J. (2010). Was that Infinity or Affinity? Applying Insights from Translation Studies to Qualitative Research Transcription. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 11/2.

Bayne, S., Ross, J. and Williamson, Z. (2009), Objects, subjects, bits and bytes: learning from the digital collections of the National MuseumsMuseum and Society, 7/2.