Talks and events


Keynote – Curiosity, reciprocity, glitch: speculative pedagogies in an age of AI. International Conference on Networked Learning, Valletta, Malta. May 2024.

Artificial Intelligence and education futures: some key questions and issues. Invited talk, NHS Education for Scotland Annual Virtual Conference, 25 April 2024.

Digital Futures for Learning. Digital Pedagogy and Learning in Higher Education SIG, Denmark. 29 February 2024.

Speculative Futures for Higher Education. Invited workshop, Jönköping, Sweden, February 2024. With Sian Bayne.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education: ethics and futures. Invited session, Learning for Sustainability Scotland Annual General Meeting, Edinburgh, 11 January 2024.


Panelist, Options for reforming and broadening assessment methods. Scotland Policy Conferences keynote seminar: Next steps for qualifications and assessment reform in Scotland. 4 December 2023.

In conversation with… Mike Michael and Jen Ross – prospective & speculative methodologies. National Centre for Research Methods E-Festival, 7 November 2023.

Why should we imagine learning futures? Learnovation 2023 global summit, Dublin, 5 October 2023.

Five questions about speculative research. Invited keynote, exploratory workshop on Ethics and Values embedded in Research Methods applied in Digital Education. Stockholm, September 2023.

Exploring futures for Artificial Intelligence in Education (a talk and workshop). Goodison Group in Scotland/Scotland’s Futures Forum. Scottish Parliament, 6 June 2023. Read a report about the event here.

Working with the not-yet: speculative approaches to digital education futures. Bristol Conversations in Education, 25 May 2023.

Reimagining Universities: Speculative Scenarios for Higher Education. Online event, 18 May 2023. Centre for Research in Digital Education. With Sian Bayne & Michael Gallagher.

Reimagining Universities: Speculative Scenarios for Higher Education. Love Machine Spring 2023 Event Season, Edinburgh Futures Institite. 24 March 2023. With Sian Bayne & Michael Gallagher.

Speculative methods and pedagogies for digital learning futures. Computers and Learning Research Group seminar, Open University. 9 March 2023

Using speculative approaches to research and teach digital learning futures. January 2023. Media & Learning Newsletter, The Media & Learning Association (MLA), Belgium.


Exploring speculative approaches to digital education futures – book launch event. Centre for Research in Digital Education, 1 December 2022.

Speculative methods, imaginaries, and making education futures. Invited talk, Storytelling as a method and approach to exploring future(s) of education in Nordic countries workshop, Jönköping, Sweden. 10 November 2022

Theorising Digital Engagement with Cultural Heritage. UNA Europa Doctoral Programme in Cultural Heritage, Founding Theories seminar. 14 June 2022

Telling Surveillance Stories in the Digital University. National Association for Data Protection Officers (NADPO) Webinar, with Anna Wilson. 24 May 2022.

Data stories: speculative methods for researching digital surveillance in higher education. Networked Learning 2022, with Anna Wilson. 17 May 2022

Contact works in multiple ways: online learning communities in higher education. Invited talk, Unidistance, Brig, Switzerland. 27 April 2022.

Speculative approaches, cultures of surveillance, and digital futures in higher education. Invited lecture, Learning (in) Digital Media lecture series, Media for Co-operation centre, University of Siegen, Germany. 13 January 2022.


Telling data stories in the digital university. Invited talk, The Digitisation of Higher Education: New Information Flows, Power Asymmetries and Implications for Surveillance and Privacy seminar. Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance and Privacy (CRISP). 6 October 2021. with Anna Wilson.

Speculation & Education Panel, PRIMER21 Global conference, 8 July 2021. Link to recording of the panel.

Invited conversation, Future Trends Forum. The Manifesto for Teaching Online. June 2021. with Siân Bayne.

What is ‘distance’, anyway? (Still) teaching online in pandemic times. Invited seminar, University of East Anglia Education webinar series, 15 February 2021.

The manifesto for teaching online. Invited session at the Teaching Online & Hybrid Conversation Series, Middlebury College, US. 9 February 2021.

The Future of Teaching Online. Tuesday Club, an informal, trans-disciplinary community that identifies and monitors the future of geopolitical trends. With Sian Bayne. London/online, January 2021.

2020 and earlier:

Telling Data Stories: a tool for thinking about higher education, surveillance & ethics. ALT Online Winter Conference, 15 December 2020. With Anna Wilson.

“Online courses are prone to cultures of surveillance. Visibility is a pedagogical and ethical issue”. Manifesto for Teaching Online Book Launch 1: Recoding. 16 September 2020.

“Digitised heritage, online audiences and shifting relations of trust”. Association of Critical Heritage Studies Conference, 29 August 2020. (with Eleanor Capaldi, Melissa Terras, Christopher Ganley and Mairi Lafferty)

Education for an uncertain world – introducing ‘wicked curricula’ and ‘not-yetness’“. Edinburgh Learning and Teaching Conference, June 2020. With Velda McCune.

“What’s the future like? Speculative Methods in Networked Learning”. Networked Learning 2020, online, May 2020. With George Veletsianos.

Digital futures for cultural engagement. Saturday 7 March 2020, Custom Lane, Leith. Creative Informatics Labs #11.

“Surveillance culture and its impact on relationships in higher education”. Controversies In The Data Society Seminar Series. Edinburgh Futures Institute, 7 February 2020.

Joining the dots… Education futures for Scotland“. Workshop, Firestarter Festival, 3 February 2020. (with Helena Good, Paul Gorman and Valerie Jackman and Karen Lawson).

Working with Values: Digital Leadership & skills in cultural heritage settings. Invited input, UK-US Collaboration for Digital Scholarship in Cultural Institutions. National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian, US. 18 September 2019.

“Space, time, affect, politics: the pleasures and tensions of teaching online”. Invited lecture, Queens University Belfast, 5 June 2019.

Engaging Futures for Digital Cultural Heritage, at Engaging with Digital Cultural Heritage – an agenda for Scotland. Engine Shed, Stirling, 4 April 2019. (with Melissa Terras)

Speculative method in digital education research. Invited talk at the University of Goettingen, 11 December 2018.

Assessment in a digital age: Rethinking multimodal artefacts in higher education. University of Edinburgh Learning and Teaching Conference, 20 June 2018.

Duty to Care and Duty to Share: Institutional Tensions around Digital Open Access and Public Art Collections. Invited talk, Exploring Digital Public Spaces workshop, IASH, University of Edinburgh. 1 June 2018.

Surveillance, (dis)trust and teaching with plagiarism detection technology. Networked Learning 2018, Zagreb, 15 May 2018. (with Hamish Macleod)

Digital Collections, Open Data And The Boundaries Of Openness: A Case Study From The National Galleries Of Scotland. Museums and the Web conference, Vancouver, 21 April 2018. (with Ashley Beamer & Christopher Ganley)

Digital Education & WordPress – the first 10 years (archive of presentation here). PressEd conference (on Twitter), 29 March 2018. (with Anne-Marie Scott).

Surveillance culture and its impact on student-teacher relationships in higher education. Invited seminar at the Centre for Research in Learning and Innovation, University of Sydney. 20 March 2018.

Inventive methods and digital cultural heritage research. Researching Digital Cultural Heritage conference, Manchester, 1 December 2017.

Surveillance, (dis)trust and teaching with technology. invited seminar at the School of Education, University of Strathclyde. 18 October 2017.

Critical perspectives on mobilities, mobile technology, and heritage futures. (with Michael Sean Gallagher). Heritage Studies: Critical Approaches and New Directions. British Academy, London, 5 October 2017.

Education, automation and algorithms: introducing the manifesto for teaching online. invited seminar at the Centre for Computing Education Research, Edinburgh Napier University, 13 September 2017.

Learning with Digital Provocations. Keynote, Digital Day of Ideas, University of Edinburgh. 17 May 2017. Notes from the talk.

Time, space, bots, MOOCs & distance as a positive principle: introducing the manifesto for teaching online. Invited talk at Liverpool Hope University, 23 March 2017.

Contesting unbundling: Not-yetness and the digital university. Amy Collier & Jen Ross. Educational Futures and Fractures, University of Strathclyde, 24th February 2017

invited panellist, Working with Cultural Partners Learning Lunch, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Edinburgh. 22 February 2017.

We are the campus: contact, space and making teaching online ‘the privileged mode’. Invited talk at the Manchester Institute of Education, University of  Manchester, 26 January 2017

Invited artcasting talk at Collider: Galleries on the Move. Design Informatics, University of Edinburgh, 14 October 2016

Invited seminar: Artcasting: digital & mobile cultural heritage evaluation. Australian National Maritime Museum, 6 September 2016.

Invited seminar: Speculative method in digital education research. Centre for Research on Learning and Innovation. University of Sydney, 24 August 2016.

Casting a line: hospitality, trajectory and artcasting in ARTIST ROOMS co-productionWhat Does Heritage Change? Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Montreal. 4-7 June 2016.

Manifesto Redux: making a teaching philosophy from networked learning research. Networked Learning 2016. 9-11 May 2016. (with Sian Bayne)

‘Hospitality at a distance’: supervisory practices and student experiences of supervision in online Masters dissertations. Networked Learning 2016. 9-11 May 2016. (with Phil Sheail)

Artcasting – reflections on a new approach to understanding engagement with art, Scottish Network on Digital Cultural Resources Evaluation. 31 March 2016.

Lightning talk: Artcasting. Digital Cultural Heritage Research Network Workshop 1, University of Edinburgh. 29 January 2016.

2015 and earlier:

Campus imaginaries and dissertations at a distance (with Phil Sheail). Society for Research into Higher Education Conference, Wales, 9-11 December 2015.

For whom, for what? Not-yetness and challenging the “stuff” of open education (with Amy Collier). OpenEd15, Vancouver, Canada, 20 November 2015.

Keynote: Reshaping subjects: digital education practices and possibilities. e.Scape conference, Concordia University, Canada. 14 October 2015. News item about the event.

Making Citizenship and the ‘Maker Movement’. Mobile Makers Forum, Canberra, 30-1 July 2015. Recording of the talk:

Artcasting and ARTIST ROOMS on Tour: Using mobilities-informed methods to support new approaches to arts evaluation (with Claire Sowton, Jeremy Knox and Chris Speed). Cultural Heritage Communities: Technologies and Challenges WorkshopCommunities and Technologies 2015. 28 June 2015, Ireland.

Invited seminar – Online distance learning as the privileged mode: excellence in digital education. Stanford University, USA,  1 June 2015.

Interviewee, MeetEducation Podcast, 2 April 2015.

Plenary – Many ways to get it right: reflections on ‘best practice’ and digital education researchThe National Seminar Series: Building an evidence base for enhanced digital pedagogy for online learning. University of Limerick, Ireland, 17 February 2015.

Exploring design-led digital education research: developing ‘artcasting’ to support new approaches to arts evaluation. Digital Cultures and Education (DiCE) seminar series, University of Edinburgh, 31 October 2014.

Teacherbot: Can Robot Teachers Do It Better? Siân Bayne, Jeremy Knox and Jen Ross. Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas, Explorathon 2014 (European Researchers’ Night). Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, 27 September 2014.

‘Perspectives on a massive phenomenon: developing, teaching and researching MOOCs’. Invited seminar at Developing online learning: from e-Learning to MOOCs, Queen’s University Belfast, 14 May 2014

Mess in Online Education: How it is, how it should be. Amy Collier (Stanford University) and Jen Ross (University of Edinburgh). Plenary session, Emerging Technologies for Online Learning, Sloan-C. Dallas, USA, 11 April 2014.

Disrupting the illusion of sameness: the importance of making place visible in online learning. Philippa Sheail and Jen Ross. The Spaces of Networked Learning Symposium, Networked Learning 2014, 7-9 April 2014, Edinburgh.

The Pedagogy of the MOOC: the UK view. From OERs to MOOCS: Exploring the MOOC phenomenon and its relation to open educational resources and practice in enhancing learning and teaching. Changing the Learning Landscape series: University of Leeds, 31 March 2014.

‘Content is just something to talk about’: designing for active online learning. Invited talk, Gallery Education: Developing Digital Resources. ARTIST ROOMS and Engage Scotland, 25 March 2014, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.

Introducing MOOCs. Jen Ross and Jeremy Knox. Invited talk and workshop at the University of Stavanger, Norway, February 2014.

Year of the MOOC?: what do Massive Open Online Courses have to offer the cultural heritage sector? Sian Bayne and Jen Ross. Invited talk, MOOCs in Cultural Heritage Education, Edinburgh, 24 February 2014

The experience of making and teaching a MOOC: challenges, surprises and delights from E-learning and Digital Cultures. Norwegian National Conference on MOOCs. University of Oslo, 10 September 2013.

Strategies for online and blended learning. EFMD Masters Conference 2013: Masters Programmes – Challenges and Solutions. Dusseldorf, 2-4 December 2013.

Ross, J., Knox, J., and Bayne, S. (2013) Approaching virtual ethnography. Invited workshop, Scottish Graduate School Summer School. Stirling, 18 June 2013.

Ross, J. (2013) Making distance visible: orbits of nearness in an online distance learning programme. Technologies of work and learning: (In)visibilities Symposium. “‘The visible and invisible in work and learning”: 8th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning. University of Stirling, 19-22 June 2013.

Ross, J. (2013) Keynote session & unconference track chair, Emerging Technologies for Online Learning Conference, Las Vegas, 8-11 April 2013.

Ross, J. (2012) Digital Learning Spaces: lessons from the MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh. Invited talk & workshop, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, USA, 15-16 April 2013.

Bayne, S. and Ross, J. (2012). Leaky boundaries: learning and engagement with ARTIST ROOMS. ARTIST ROOMS Research Forum No.1. Edinburgh, 13 December 2012.

Bayne, S., Gallagher, M., Lamb, J., Ross, J, O’Shea, C and Macleod, H. ‘Campus envy’ and being ‘at’ University: the geographies of education on the internet. Association of Internet Researchers 13, Salford UK, 19-21 October 2012.

making manifest(o): crowdsourcing a statement of values for teaching with emerging technologies. Unconference workshop, Emerging Technologies for Online Teaching, Las Vegas, 25-27 July 2012.

Discipline in professional reflective practices. ProPEL 2012: Professions and Professional Learning in Troubling Times: Emerging Practices and Transgressive Knowledges. Stirling, 9-11 May 2012.

The spectacle and the placeholder: digital futures for reflective practices in higher education. Networked Learning 2012. Maastricht, 2-4 April 2012.

“Fakers, fools and narcissists: How cultural narratives of blogging affect online reflective practices”. Invited talk, IT Futures 2011: Social media in academia: A tweet too far? 13 December 2011, University of Edinburgh.

Russo, A and Ross, J. Partnerships and Collaborations: Future Networks of Exchange for Museums. 24 October 2011. ICTOP Annual Conference– Toronto, Canada. October 24-27, 2011

Ross, J, Bayne, S, O’Shea, C. “Introducing a manifesto for teaching online”. Invited talk, E-learning @ Edinburgh. 1 April 2011, University of Edinburgh.

Bayne, S and Ross, J. “It’s Alive!: Digital Literacy Events in (and out of) context”. Invited talk, Literacy in the Digital University, ESRC seminar series. 14-15 October 2010, Open University, Milton Keynes.

Bayne, S and Ross, J. “Posthuman academic identities in digital environments“. Academic Identities for the 21st Century. 16-18 June 2010. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Bayne, S and Ross, J. “Museum education for the 21st century: online learning and social media”. Museum Studies in the XXIst century: issues of studies and teaching. 19-21 May 2010, St Petersburg, Russia.

Just what is being reflected in online reflection?: new literacies for new media practices“. Networked Learning, 3-4 May 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.

Williamson, Z., and Ross, J. “Reading Screens: a critical visual analysis“. Networked Learning, 3-4 May 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.

Bayne, S and Ross, J. “Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy”: digital writing and new assessment practices. Invited talk, Literacy in the Digital University, ESRC seminar series. 1 March 2010, Glasgow Caledonian University.

“Reflective practices as masks: thinking about online reflection in higher education”. Invited talk, University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Centre seminar series, 13 January 2010, Glasgow.

“Reflective practices as masks: a new way to think about reflection in higher education”. Society for Research into Higher Education conference, 8-10 December 2009, Newport.

“Personal, professional and academic voices in online reflection: new literacies for new media practices”. Invited talk in the research students session of the ESRC-funded Literacy in the Digital University seminar: The relation of new media practices to traditional literacy practices in the academy and the professions. University of Edinburgh, 16 October 2009.

Was that infinity or affinity?: qualitative research transcription as translation” [PDF]. Invited seminar at the Translations, Adaptations and Modalities seminar series, Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities, University of Edinburgh. 10 February 2009, Edinburgh.

Macleod, H and Ross, J. “Co-creating a programme: the MSc in E-learning at the University of Edinburgh”. Learners Involved in Co-Creating Knowledge, Barcelo Carlton Hotel, 30 October 2008, Edinburgh: Napier University.

Traces of self: online reflective practices and performances in higher education” [PDF]. Association for Internet Researchers conference, 16-18 October 2008, IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.

“’This is their stuff’: The role of social media in museum learning online”. Association for Internet Researchers conference, 16-18 October 2008, IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.

“Participation, possessability and power: multimodal learning in online museum education”. Multimodality and Learning: New Perspectives on Knowledge, Representation and Communication, 19-20 June 2008, King’s College London, London.

“Reach, relevance, relationship and recontextualisation: the 4 Rs of inclusive online museum learning”. International Conference on the Inclusive Museum, 8-11 June 2008, National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden.

Bayne, S and Ross, J. “The ‘digital native’ and ‘digital immigrant’: a dangerous opposition” [PDF]. Society for Research into Higher Education conference, December 2007, Brighton

Macleod, H and Ross, J. “Structure, authority and other noncepts: teaching in fool-ish spaces”. Ideas in Cyberspace Education symposium, March 2007, Loch Lomond